7210 Counseling
Sliding Scale


Counseling Services                                                                 Children, Adolescents, Adults 

Located on Indianapolis' South Side                  Day and Evening Appointments Available 


Ginny: Meet and Greet Dog


Hello, my name is Ginny and I am a Maltipoo who worked at the office for about 10 years.  I had this cool job as a meet and greet assistant dog.  As many of you know, I have had some health issues since April 2019. I haven't been able to interact with people the way I did when I was healthy.

My health has continued to decline. So, on Septmeber 27, 2019, God and I talked and we decided it was time for me to cross over the "Rainbow Bridge". It is wonderful here and now I feel great again! I will miss seeing all of you and getting the loving attention you gave to me but I will remain with you in the memories we share.

Thanks to each of you for being a part of the wonderful expereinces I had coming to work with Patricia. It was a great 10 years!. I am thankful for all the people on earth who made my life so much fun.

Until we meet again I encourage all of you to take walks, explore your world, ask for belly rubs (well, maybe humans ask for hugs!) and live life to the fullest. That's what I did and it filled my life with joy.

Take care, be good to yourself, I'll see you on the other side of the "Rainbow Bridge".

Tail wags and kisses,
